Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Carbon cycle and climate change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Carbon cycle and climate change - Essay Example Out of many other factors that cause global warming, one of the very important and significant factors is the increment of carbon dioxide gas (CO2) in the atmosphere. This paper basically includes the carbon cycle and the change in climate caused by this cycle. According to some statistics, the average annual concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) was around 20% higher in Hawaii in the year 2010 than it was in the year 1960, and the rate of increase in its concentration in the 21st century is doubled as compared to that in 1960. Though, the ozone hole is being recovered because of the atmospheric concentrations of CFC gases. Because of these factors the average global temperature has increased up to 0.80C in the last century and this rate is increasing up to a significant figure during this era. Other than that, the global sea level, which could be and has been a great cause of natural disasters has increase at about twice as faster between 1992 to 2010 as it was in 1950 to 2000, and the Greenland ice sheet melting is also increased up to 30% in the during the year 1980 to 2010. Now let us discus something about the carbon cycle. Carbon cycle is basically the cycling and recycling of carbon between the atmosphere, the earth’s surface, and the oceans. Other than that it is also the recycling of carbon in the lithosphere as well. Though, this take spans of time. The regulation of the earth’s temperature greatly depends upon this cycle. ... So for the years ahead, regarding the climate change, the concentration of carbon dioxide is of a great concern. Here the question again arises, that what are the major factors that affect this carbon cycle. One of the factors that I would really like to mention here is the arbitrarily induced variation in the carbon and climate. The global population is also a major factor of that. Human beings and all the other living creatures inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide (CO2). Thus the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere is being reduced, and that of carbon dioxide (CO2) is increasing rapidly. The terrestrial and ocean ecosystem absorbing is even greater than half of the human carbon emissions. Let us deeply observe the connection of climate with the carbon cycle. Whenever some organic material is combusted, the products are always water and carbon dioxide gas. Nowadays the main sources of energy in the world are the fossil fuel, and the petroleum products, like petrol, diesel a nd the furnace oil. All of these things combine to result in the production of huge amount of carbon dioxide and reduction of oxygen gas when combusted in the vehicles, power houses and industries mainly. These main human activities thus result in increasing the overall temperature of the world, which is named as global warming. Basically the carbon cycle starts from these human activities, where they breath, and the fossils are burnt or combusted. Then this carbon dioxide is sent to the atmosphere, where the overall temperature is quite lower than the temperature on or near the surface of the earth. Here much of the carbon dioxide gas is absorbed, which

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