Monday, September 30, 2019

Globalized World Essay

â€Å"The modern Company has spread its brains – its center of excellence. It really is a citizen of many countries rather than a citizen of one†. Do you agree with the statement? I agree with the above statement. The above statement truly talks about the globalization and being in the globalized world. Globalization refers to the increasing unification of the world’s economic order through reduction of such barriers to international trade as tariffs, export fees, and import quotas. The goal is to increase material wealth, goods, and services through an international division of labor by efficiencies catalyzed by international relations, specialization and competition. It describes the process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through communication, transportation, and trade. Talking about the positive and negative side of globalization, it continues to be divisive subject among political activists, academics, business leaders, and policymakers. Some look at the rapid economic and political changes taking place around the world and see injustice. Others observe these same changes and see progress. On both sides of the debate, however, much of the discussion takes place among elites. What do average citizens around the world think about the powerful global forces transforming their societies? Survey research suggests that most people embrace the idea of a globalized world, even if cautiously. Globalization had also increased the competition among different companies in different countries. People are striving to make their countries better and richer. With globalization, there are chances that the developed countries will take over the developing and underdeveloped countries. It is better to take up measures to meet the needs of everyone in order to live peaceful and comfortable life. Some people are finding it difficult to cop up with globalization. With the proper use of modern technology, communication can be made easier and there will be more integration of different companies in the world. The movement of people has also become one of the most important things due to globalization. In the years companies started recognizing and valuing the workforce. They started considering people as assets to increase the productivity. Hiring competent and qualified employees are thought to be the basic ingredient for growth. E. g. Employees of Microsoft come from various different sectors. An organization is a collection of several human and non-human entities. People are different and vary in their thoughts, views, and opinions. An organization tries to hire the best and competent employees through all across the globe. In an organization we can find employees coming from several cultural and socio-cultural backgrounds. So we can say that it really is a citizen of many countries rather than a citizen of one organized together and working together. This has become possible only due to globalization. Hence we can conclude that organizations who thing that the world is a single global network and thereby understanding the fierce competition, lifestyles and culture of different countries will help them to thrive for excellence and ultimately will lead them to achieve their desired goals.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Mice and Men – Loneliness

How does Steinbeck present the theme of loneliness in ‘Of Mice and Men’? ‘Of Mice and Men’ is written by John Steinbeck, published in 1937. The novel is set in the 1930s during the great depression in California. The two protagonist characters, George and Lennie are farm workers who have a dream of one-day owning their own ranch. They find work in a ranch near Soledad, after escaping from Weed because of George’s incident. They are met by different characters on the farm that all have a dream. To be lonely means to lack friends or companionship and to feel isolated. Most of the characters are lonely and the only thing that keeps them alive is their dreams. Some of the loneliest characters they meet are Candy, an old man with only one hand, Crooks, a black cripple and Curley’s Wife, a woman who has no identity; she is lonely even though she is married. Although they are all on the ranch together, they are lonely because of who they are and their history. ‘Of Mice and Men’ is an emotional story with many different themes and characters. This essay will describe the way loneliness is portrayed in ‘Of Mice and Men. George Milton and Lennie Small are friends who travel together. They both share the same dream, which is to one day own their own ranch. George is quick-witted and intelligent. He takes the parental role of looking after Lennie, a simple-minded man who in the book is described as a giant. Lennie is kind hearted with huge physical strength. He does not know how powerful he is and likes to pet animals. The other me n on the ranch find their relationship unusual, they do not know of their past. George describes himself and Lennie as the loneliest guys in the world. Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They belong in no place. ’ George feels sorry for himself; he can see the reality of being a ranch-hand. This loneliness therefore makes both him and Lennie have a dream that motivates him to work. It is the one thing that they are living for. The boss believes that George is exploiting Lennie. The other men come to see that their friendship is built upon loneliness. Others such as Crooks, Candy, Curley’s wife and maybe Slim are jealous of their relationship. Although both George and Lennie are close friends, they are still lonely in the sense that they are not alike. Lennie is lonely in the sense that there is no one who is as simple-minded as he is, he does not realise this, as he is too busy playing with his pup. When George and Lennie first arrive on the ranch, they are met by Candy. Candy and his dog’s relationship resemble George and Lennie’s relationship. In the same way, that Candy seeks comfort in his dog, Lennie seeks comfort in George. Candy has a parental role towards his dog, just as George has a parental role towards Lennie. Lennie can be compared with the dog in the sense that he listens, but does not talk; this provides comfort for those who talk to him about their feelings. Both Lennie and Candy’s dog are shot by the same gun (Carlson’s luger). Carlson is unsentimental about Candy’s dog, as he can see no practical use for it. ‘He ain’t no good to you Candy. An’ he ain’t no good to himself. Why’n’t you shoot him Candy? ’ His suggestion is reasonable for the other men in the bunk- house but he seems oblivious to the strong bond between Candy and his dog. Candy tries to justify the reasons for keeping his dog. I had him so long. Had him since he was a pup. I herded sheep with him. ’ In the end, his dog is shot because of his lack of authority towards the other men. Candy is left lonely and deserted after he loses his lifetime companion. He later cheers up after he joins in with George and Lennie’s plan of owning the dream farm. ‘I’d make a will an’ leave my share to you guys in case I kick off. ’ Candy promises them, that if he died, he would leave George and Lennie his money. This increases his chance of becoming part of the dream. It also increases the chance of the dream becoming reality. Carlson is also a lonely character; he is callous and does not know the appreciation of friendship. He has his gun to look after and care for, the movement of his hands whilst he cleans it show signs of loneliness, he also appears nonchalant. ‘He laid them on his bed and then brought out the pistol†¦then he fell to cleaning the barrel with the little rod. ’ He spends time looking after the gun, he does not take part in the conversation between the other men, he feels happy with his gun and does not see the value of friends and companionship. Curley’s wife is one of the loneliest characters in the novel; she has no identity, she is seen as an object, a possession of Curley’s. Curley’s wife is seen as a flirtatious ‘tart’ by the other ranch-hands, true, Curley’s wife does flirt, she is very conscious of the effect this has on men, but she is not a tart. She wants attention and by gaining that attention, she act the way people think. ‘She had full rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes, heavily made up. Her fingernails were red. ’ She likes to dress up and wear a lot of make up, to attract the men. The men on the other hand do not flirt with her, as they are afraid of what Curly might do. This leads to the loneliness of many characters. Although the men think it is wrong of her to flaunt herself sexually and give everyone the ‘eye’, the men all visit a whorehouse for sexual gratification and momentary companionship. Those like George and Whit contradict themselves when they talk about Curley’s wife as being ‘jail-bait’. ‘She’s gonna make a mess. They’s gonna be a bad mess about her. She’s a jail-bait all set on a trigger,’ George senses danger coming his way, but he chooses to ignore it, as he needs the money. During the 1930s, women were seen as possessions of their husbands who were to stay at home. George’s view of women, seem to be very basic and biased, he sees them as instruments to relieve physical urges. ‘She never talks dirty, neither. Got five girls there. ’ George does not express the need for any female companionship mainly because he is too busy keeping Lennie out of trouble. She confides in Lennie and tells him about her dreams of becoming a movie star. Steinbeck uses Lennie as a voice to the reader, it is because of him that the reader finds out about Curley’s wife’s dreams and feelings. Coulda been in the movies, an’ had nice clothes – all them nice clothes like they were. ’ She seems to be obsessed by her appearance; she wants the fame and glamour. She appears to have given up her dreams as she married Curly, she feels as though her dreams have been shattered and that she can no longer achieve her goals. Like Curleyâ⠂¬â„¢s wife, Crooks also has no name, it is just a nickname the other ranch-hands use because he is crippled. He is intelligent and very well organised; he has his own room where he keeps his books and possessions. For him, his room is a haven or an oasis. ‘For, being alone, Crooks could leave his things about†¦this room was swept and fairly neat, for Crooks was a proud, aloof man. ’ This shows signs of isolation, as there is no one to comment on the tidiness of his room. He feels isolated and bitter. He is the victim of oppressive violence and prejudice on the ranch. When he first meets Lennie, there is an immediate rejection of friendship mainly due to the anguish of his loneliness. ‘Well, I got a right to have a light. You go on get outa my room. I ain’t wanted in the bunkhouse, and you ain’t wanted in my room. ’ He does not know that Lennie is unlike the other men, he has been criticised and made fun off, so he does not appreciate the company of others until he gets to know them and their attitude towards him. He tells Lennie of his hopes of having some one to talk to. ‘I tell ya a guy gets too lonely, an’ he gets sick. ’ He admits to feeling isolated, he wishes for a friend to talk to. For a moment, Lennie seems to be a new friend, Lennie sees Crooks as an individual, a person in his own right. Crooks respects him for this and is excited about his new companionship. Again the reader only finds this out when Crooks tells Lennie about his feelings. Crooks admits to not having a dream as he is afraid of disappointment, he does however get caught up in working with George and Lennie in the dream farm. His hopes are shattered by George’s dismissive attitude. ‘I didn’ mean it. Jus foolin’. I wouldn’t want to go no place like that. ’ The lonely characters feel they can confide in Lennie, as they know he will not tell anyone. Crooks is treated as an outcast due to the perspective of race and black people of the time. Black people were seen as outcasts that had no right to mix with the whites. Curley is a small ex-boxer. He is one of the most violent characters on the ranch. He hopes that by being violent and aggressive towards the weaker characters, he will gain authority. He however avoids those he considers to be strong and with authority, such as Slim. He sees everyone with a lower status and sees people as a hierarchy. ‘He wore a work glove on his left hand, and, like the boss, he wore high-heeled boots. According to Candy, the work glove that Curley wears is full of Vaseline to keep his hands soft for his wife. The high-heeled boots give signs of status and height. A debatable character is Slim, is he lonely, does he feel isolated? Because of his calm attitude and natural authority, the less lonely characters rely on him. He is understanding and kind, which is why George tells him of the incide nt in Weed. He does not seem to have a friend, does that mean he has resigned? There is however some hope for him after Lennie is shot, he is the one who comforts George and tells him he done the right thing. You hadda, George. I swear you hadda. Come on with me. ’ The book begins with a calm and peaceful setting of nature. ‘A few miles south of Soledad, the Salinas River drops close to the hill-side and runs deeps and green. The water is warm too, for it has slipped twinkling over the sands in the sunlight before reaching the narrow pool. ’ This shows the peaceful world of nature, it is very calm and tranquil. The pool shows signs of innocence, as it is only a branch of the Salinas River. The river is a sign of the secrets and the future in nature and the novel. The deep green makes it unable to see the riverbed; this shows signs of a faint and perhaps a dangerous view of the future. Despite the movement and the motion of the river, there are still signs of loneliness; there is only the cyclical of nature. The language Steinbeck uses to describe the setting is sophisticated and formal. ‘On the sand-banks the rabbits sat as quietly as little grey, sculptured stones†¦from the direction of the state highway came the sound of footsteps†¦the rabbits hurried noiselessly for cover. ‘For a moment the place was lifeless, and then two men emerged from the path and came into the opening by the green pool’ This shows the peaceful world of nature being disturbed by man. The rabbits sensed the presence of danger and hurried away, it is a movement from harmony to discord. There is a contrast between man and nature. The rabbits sat quietly without making a lot of movement and noise, whilst George and Lennie emerge and break the peace. The peace of nature is also disturbed at the end when Lennie is shot. The pool is described as an innocent place; it reflects Lennie’s innocence. There is however, senses of loneliness as neither George nor Lennie speak, there are no sounds of nature from when they emerge. The pool is still and the wind has stopped rustling through the leaves. The language Steinbeck uses to describe the landscape and a character is contrasted with the way the characters speak. The characters use American colloquial slang. The characters also speak of being lonely and wanting companionship. Steinbeck pays attention to the description of the characters; he mainly concentrates on the hands. Lennie’s hands are described as paws, Candy’s has one missing, Curley’s keeps his left hand in a glove, Crooks’ palms are noted (colour). George has strong but small hands, Slim hands are mentioned and Curley’s wife’s hands are only described in terms of fingernails. Steinbeck presents the theme of loneliness through the characters. The language he uses to describe the landscape and characters show signs of loneliness. The character’s past reflect their loneliness and the death of both Candy’s dog and Lennie create the major theme of loneliness. Nature and animals play a large role in the story, the main comparison of man and nature is when Lennie is described as a bear. ‘He walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. ’ Steinbeck wants to show the size and strength of Lennie therefore he compares him to a bear. The book was written during the 1930s during the Great Depression. This was a difficult time for America and its people; Steinbeck shows the fear of the Depression by having the men all work together. No matter how much the men on the ranch stick together and some may support each other, they are still lonely.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Egg Supply Chain

In a few weeks you will start seeing quite a few sales on eggs. Why? Eggs are one of the main staples in the Easter holiday tradition. Everyone gets together the night before Easter and colors their eggs a wide range of colors to put in their Easter baskets for the Easter Bunny to hide. An egg seems like such a simple food item, very few people ever wonder what all had to happen in order for them to be able to buy their eggs from the grocery store. If there were suddenly no eggs to color for Easter I am sure everyone would then want to know. If it even possible to think that the grocery stores would have no eggs? The answer is yes! In order for that carton of eggs to be on the shelf of the store it must travel the supply chain. A supply chain is a system of organizations, people, technology, activities, information and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer. Supply chain activities transform natural resources, raw materials and components into a finished product that is delivered to the end customer. Egg would seem like such a simple product that there really couldn’t be that much to the supply chain given that the chicken lays the eggs, the farmers puts them in cartons and a truck delivers them to the store. Eggs don’t go through processing like most other food products but still there can be a lot to them depending on what type of eggs you buy and where from. Many people still get theirs from the grocery stores but a rising trend is to purchase them farmers markets or directly from the farmer. Going directly to the farmer for your eggs is becoming more popular because people want to know where their food is coming from and want to know that the animals are not being mistreated or given hormones. In order to discuss the supply chain for eggs one must first ask the questions,Which came first the egg or the chicken? When you attempt to do a supply chain for eggs this is without a doubt the first question you would need to ask. Did the farmer get the egg first and then hatch the chickens to lay more eggs to sell or did he get the chicken first who then laid the eggs? For this paper we are going to assume that the chicken came first. So the first step in the egg supply chain is the hatchery no matter where you get your eggs the process started in the hatchery. Due to the rising trend of going straight to farmer for goods, we are going to look at the supply chain for eggs purchased directly from the farmer. Also this is how I get my eggs so I thought it would be more interesting, of course the eggs I get come from my aunt so there is not much to them aside from the gas used to drive to her farm and pick them up. Her chicks came from a friend who raised chickens but for those farmers who do not have friends or neighbors who raise chickens they would go to a hatchery. Hatcheries are found all over. There are quite a few in Ohio alone, a major one is found in the Cincinnati area. Once the farmer gets his peeps from the hatchery they are placed in a chicken coup which has access to a pasture for the chickens to graze. Chickens eat a wide variety of things but mostly are fed corn or other vegetables already found on the farm. Chickens that are allowed to graze produce better quality eggs due to the fact that they get more nutrients from the ground than those chickens raised in cages. The next step in the supply chain once you have the chickens and they lay the eggs is to gather and package them for sale. Eggs are usually gathered on a plastic tray and then washed and sanitized then stored in a refrigerator. Many co-op farms that you buy from have you bring your own container for your eggs, this saves them money and also the environment if you reuse the same carton. Most people just bring a carton from store bought eggs. The egg carton was invented in 1911 to help keep a farmer’s eggs from breaking while delivering. Egg cartons come in a variety of forms from Styrofoam to molded pulp and paper. You can even buy plastic storage containers for eggs that can reused again and again. One of major suppliers of egg cartons to small farms is a company called Eggcartons. com. They do not produce the egg cartons themselves but rather buy them in large quantity then sell in smaller quantity to farmers. Once the eggs are packaged they are ready for sale whether to a local farmer market or directly to the customer who visits the farm. Farm raised eggs there seems to not be too much competition out there. Very few farms do this and the ones that do are spaced a good ways apart, also the fact that the small farms cannot produce as much as the bigger companies limits them on what they can sell anyhow. The only major issue that could impact the supply chain for a local farmer is to lose his chickens or for them to fall ill and not be able to produce enough eggs to meet demand. Some interesting facts on eggs are according to National Egg Producer Organization ( I am not making this up, the group exists) Ohio is the number 2 egg producer in the United States, second to only Iowa. In 2008, over 209. 1 million cases of eggs were produced in the United States and of that 209. 1 million 68 million cases (32. 2%) were further processed (for foodservice, manufacturing, retail and export); 121. 7 million cases (58. 2%) went on to retail; 18 million cases (9%) went for foodservices use; and 1. 4 million (0. 7%) were exported. (http://www. unitedegg. org/useggindustry_generalstats. aspx) The Supply Chain Diagram {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame}

Friday, September 27, 2019

Racial Segregation based on Black Boy by Richard Wright Essay

Racial Segregation based on Black Boy by Richard Wright - Essay Example d the Jim Crow laws and the rise of Klu Klux Klan, a white racist group that lynched, kidnapped, beat, or even murdered blacks to prove their supremacy. On the other side African American culture, its literature and arts flourished giving rise to the Harlem Renaissance. Richard Wright fought hard to resist segregation and refused to be forced into subservience as most of the blacks of that period did. As we read about his childhood one can visualise the sufferings and humiliation the African Americans had to endure in the early 1990s. In his book Wright portrays all the violence, brutality, despair and powerlessness that goes with racism. The whites abused him physically and verbally. In the book there is mention of how when he was young he had to suffer regular physical and verbal abuse in his workplace and how his white colleagues even went to the extent of hitting him with a bottle for not addressing a white man as "sir". â€Å"for the first time I noticed that there were two lines of people at the ticket window, a â€Å"white† line and a â€Å"black† line. During my visit at Granny’s a sense of the two races had been born in me with sharp concreteness that would never die until I died." (Wright R, 1945) These lines from Black Boy show that Wright understood what it was to be a black boy right from his childhood days. The fear, the violence the blacks faced everyday is beautifully put forth in the book. Both the blacks and whites resorted to violence whenever they wanted to control or show their power and this show of violence was predominant in the lives of Southerners. Richard turns violent many times like when he rebels against his father and kills the kitten in a fit of rage. Similarly when he burns down the house he gets thoroughly beaten. He overcomes his fear of the gang of boys by attacking them. Racial segregation or racial prejudices also instilled fear and mistrust in the society. This is evident in many of the episodes of the Black Boy. Richard

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Engineers create artefacts and processes through design. Design is Essay

Engineers create artefacts and processes through design. Design is open ended and creative. Discuss design processes with refere - Essay Example The design process in many cases involves the application of mathematics, engineering, and basic sciences principles to optimally convert resources to meet specified aims. This paper discusses the design process from the perspective of mechanical engineering. Steps Involved in the Design Process Need or Problem Identification and Research In order to be able to solve an engineering or design problem, it is vital to identify the problem or need (Ullman 2009). When a design engineer fails to identify a problem or need properly, the engineer may end up wasting a lot of time and resources. In order to stick to the project goals, the mechanical engineers often rely on subjective and measurable metrics. Once the need or problem has been identified, the engineers must engage in research to establish the issue as it is currently and to establish the solutions that exist (Eide, Jenison, Mashaw and Northup 2002). By engaging in research, the engineers equip themselves to be able to come up wit h the best possible solution to the problem or need. The engineers must establish if there are products that have been designed to solve the same problem in the market and their advantages and disadvantages. Based on their findings, the engineers have to narrow down to what is relevant to their case. Potential Solutions The engineers often end up with a lot of information regarding products currently on the market and how they are designed. They have therefore to engage in brainstorming to come up with possible solutions and the advantages and disadvantages of each of the possible solutions (Eide, Jenison, Mashaw and Northup 2002). At this stage, the design engineer needs to think of ways of improving each of the possible solutions. The engineering designer needs to be creative in coming up with improvements to the products in the market or in designing a product that is novel. The performance of each of the possible solutions is then analyzed through the application of engineering science and mathematical principles (Eggert 2010). The analysis may be geared toward reducing risks and detecting problems that may come with the improved solutions. Best Possible Solution With several possible solutions to the problem or need, the design engineer then has to choose the solution that best meets the original requirements (Lumsdaine, Lumsdaine, and Shelnutt 1999). Making a decision regarding the solution to proceed with may be challenging and involves making the evaluation of competing needs. Some of the factors that may affect the choice of the best possible solution include cost, size, weight, and safety just to mention a few. Prototype Creation, Testing and Evaluation It would be imprudent at this stage for the engineers to proceed with the actual production of the product as designed before having it tested and evaluated. The engineers therefore need to create a prototype of the product if possible modeling in 2D and 3D using computer applications such as CAD soft ware (Hyman 1998). The prototype is then tested and evaluated to establish if it works and meets the original design requirements and limits. Redesign The prototype may be slightly changed or improved in case of need once the prototype has been tested and evaluated. The changes or improvements are normally implemented to optimize the

Choose a consumer product or service that is on the market today, but Assignment

Choose a consumer product or service that is on the market today, but is declining in appeal to consumers. This product should b - Assignment Example Another explanation would be that competitors have been offering a slightly different product from the existing one with the same functions and latest features. This paper presents the current position and performance of desktop computers in the market and recommends possible ways to save the products from becoming more obsolete. Furthermore, this paper examines some market issues that greatly affect the desktop PC market. Desktop Computer and its Current Market Desktop personal computers came into existence before the latest computer tablets and netbooks were introduced to the market. Traditional personal computer has central processing units (CPU) unlike the current handy laptops and tablets. Basically, the target markets of desktop computers were businesses like internet cafes, hotels, and families with household internet access. Businesses often get desktop computers for their employees and executives for business related transactions because desktops run faster than laptops. Hou seholds also get at least one desktop computer at home despite the fact that family members may already have laptops and smartphones. According to the 2010 US Census, 63% of households with income of less than $50,000 have personal computers (desktop and/or laptops); 91% of the households having income of $50,000-$99,999; 96% of households with $100,000-$149,999; 97% of the households with income of $150,000 and more own personal computers; and, 68% of the households with income not reported have computers. Having children is also a factor to getting personal computers by households. In the same US Census, 84.1% of the households with children 6-17 years old have PCs; 79.3% of households with children not within the 6-17 range own home computers; and, 70.9% of the households with no children have personal computers. Another important demographic that also affects the decision of getting computers is the educational attainment of the households. The 2010 US Census showed that only 41 .8% of those who did not graduate from high school have home computers; 64.8% owns PCs from households with high school graduates or General Education Attainment (GED); 81.6% of those who have some college or associate degrees; and, 90.9% of the households with bachelor’s degrees and higher have personal computers. Reasons for Declining in Popularity â€Å"The decline of desktop isn’t surprising,† says Arthur (2012). According to Wilcox (2012), US sales of personal computers had reached its lowest peak on the fourth quarter of 2011, which was said to be the worst since 2001. Apple’s iPad tablets have been hurting the PC industry and affecting the current sales (Randewich, 2012). In spite of the weak sales of personal computers, Apple products have continued to flourish. Although the declining sales was partly caused by the floods in Thailand, one cannot deny the fact that consumer behaviors have also changed. Consumers are more concern on buying something that is not bulky or huge and offers multiple applications. Nowadays, most tech savvy individuals prefer to get the latest gadget. They are not anymore into desktop computers since they find it hard to update some windows applications. Smartphones, computer tablets, and netbooks have up to date applications and features. Most students already own smartphones and laptops; there would be no use of getting a desktop computer. Majority of the smartphone and laptop features have grown to be impressive over the years of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Health Implications of Female Genital Mutilation on the Somali Research Proposal

The Health Implications of Female Genital Mutilation on the Somali Women - Research Proposal Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that FGM causes severe panic and pain among almost to 130 million women annually across the world. Apart from this, FGM has adverse emotional, social and psychological effects on the females involved. Further, FGM causes severe panic and pain among almost 130 million women annually across the world. Among the reasons for widespread FGM in Somalia include deeply rooted Somali traditions, religions endorsement and the need to preserve femininity. Somalia also exemplifies countries that adhere strictly to cultural traditions and practices perhaps compounding the desire to stick to FGM. Meanwhile, the country faces severe economic, financial, infrastructural and political challenges, necessitating humanitarian services offered by community workers from the West. The implication of the presence of these foreign workers has been the introduction of liberal practices, which the Somali women and men seem to be acquiring. As a res ult, the Somalis have started showing reluctance to letting their female children undergo FGM. A bar graph showing the percentages of FGM in selected African Countries. Female genital mutilation is considered illegal in most countries in the world. It is necessary to create awareness of the implications of this practice if other countries like Somalia are to discontinue FGM and consider is illegal as well. The primary objective of this research is to familiarize the society about the perils associated with Female Genital Mutilation. Further, research is needed to further investigate into FGM to reveal the challenges that the Somali women undergo in silence due to stigmatization. Literature Review This literature review identifies the past researchers concerning health implications FGM, factors that motivate the continuity of practicing FGM, and possible strategies that can be used to reduce the act of Female Genital Mutilation. Health Implications of FGM Boyle contends that Female G enital Mutilation is associated with a myriad of health complications; these include psychological, emotional and social consequences of the practice on the victims. Psychological complications constitute the disturbances and lifelong stress caused by the practice of the victims. The uncircumcised girls suffer stigma arising from what is considered disobedience to the cultures of the community. Psychological implications of stigmatization include suicide attempts and insanity. World Health organization recognized some of the implications of female genital mutilation on the fitness of women and girls. This included death resulting from bleeding, life-threatening pain that is caused by the cutting, and psychological stress caused by those undergoing the cut. Moreover, severe infections can attack the victims due to the tools used in clitoridectomy. Clitoridectomy is the act of circumcising girls.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Carbon cycle and climate change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Carbon cycle and climate change - Essay Example Out of many other factors that cause global warming, one of the very important and significant factors is the increment of carbon dioxide gas (CO2) in the atmosphere. This paper basically includes the carbon cycle and the change in climate caused by this cycle. According to some statistics, the average annual concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) was around 20% higher in Hawaii in the year 2010 than it was in the year 1960, and the rate of increase in its concentration in the 21st century is doubled as compared to that in 1960. Though, the ozone hole is being recovered because of the atmospheric concentrations of CFC gases. Because of these factors the average global temperature has increased up to 0.80C in the last century and this rate is increasing up to a significant figure during this era. Other than that, the global sea level, which could be and has been a great cause of natural disasters has increase at about twice as faster between 1992 to 2010 as it was in 1950 to 2000, and the Greenland ice sheet melting is also increased up to 30% in the during the year 1980 to 2010. Now let us discus something about the carbon cycle. Carbon cycle is basically the cycling and recycling of carbon between the atmosphere, the earth’s surface, and the oceans. Other than that it is also the recycling of carbon in the lithosphere as well. Though, this take spans of time. The regulation of the earth’s temperature greatly depends upon this cycle. ... So for the years ahead, regarding the climate change, the concentration of carbon dioxide is of a great concern. Here the question again arises, that what are the major factors that affect this carbon cycle. One of the factors that I would really like to mention here is the arbitrarily induced variation in the carbon and climate. The global population is also a major factor of that. Human beings and all the other living creatures inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide (CO2). Thus the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere is being reduced, and that of carbon dioxide (CO2) is increasing rapidly. The terrestrial and ocean ecosystem absorbing is even greater than half of the human carbon emissions. Let us deeply observe the connection of climate with the carbon cycle. Whenever some organic material is combusted, the products are always water and carbon dioxide gas. Nowadays the main sources of energy in the world are the fossil fuel, and the petroleum products, like petrol, diesel a nd the furnace oil. All of these things combine to result in the production of huge amount of carbon dioxide and reduction of oxygen gas when combusted in the vehicles, power houses and industries mainly. These main human activities thus result in increasing the overall temperature of the world, which is named as global warming. Basically the carbon cycle starts from these human activities, where they breath, and the fossils are burnt or combusted. Then this carbon dioxide is sent to the atmosphere, where the overall temperature is quite lower than the temperature on or near the surface of the earth. Here much of the carbon dioxide gas is absorbed, which

Monday, September 23, 2019

HRM analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

HRM analysis - Research Paper Example The hotel consists of more than 5000 rooms and suits for guests in four thirty storey towers, world class gourmet restaurants, 27000 square feet pool complex, Grand Spa, casino, clubs, etc. Different parts of the hotel have different themes, food courts, restraints, entertainment lounge etc. (Jay & Dwi, 2000). The hotel is set up on an area of 33 acres. MGM Grand Las Vegas most commonly offers accommodation services but in addition to this the hotel also serves as a venue for different shows, events and concerts. Moreover, MGM grand hotel incorporates pool parties, night clubs, shopping outlets, wedding chapel etc. History In the 60’s a group of properties started as MGM Resorts International under Kirk Kerkorian’s leadership. After the grand opening of paradise hotel in early 1970s the second hotel was built in Las Vegas named MGM Grand Las Vegas. Both the hotels were the world’s largest hotels at that time. MGM Grand Las Vegas was opened in 1993 for the first t ime. The hotel turned to be the largest hotel in the United States with over 5000 guest rooms. At the opening of MGM Grand the biggest intention was the creation of first hotel in Las Vegas that includes the Theme Park MGM Grand adventures behind casino. The objective behind this hotel was providing a friendly and family oriented atmosphere where all the family members could enjoy different activities except the casinos. Strategy A strategy that a company sets and adopts to achieve its desired business objectives and goals are known as business strategy. The strategies adopted by MGM Grand Las Vegas hotel are discussed ahead. Competitive strategies are associated with the business strategies in a way to develop a competitive edge for an organization. MGM Grand Las Vegas hotel has potential business strategies to predict the expectations of the customer most accurately and make them satisfied with creativity. Product differentiation is one of the most unique competitive strategies th at MGM Grand uses. One of the examples of this strategy is the introduction of M Life Payers Club in 2010. This club is basically a customer reward club where customers can earn points by shopping and using other services of the hotel and then use those points for other experiences like concerts, food etc. To compliment the services activities the hotel uses marketing and sales strategies (Alan, 2007). The unique communication platforms used by the hotel and the entertainment attractions has helped the hotel win a competitive advantage. The hotel uses strategies to stay ahead of competition. The various strategies adopted by MGM Grand have helped the hotel grow and expand to different countries. In 2006 MGM Grand Las Vegas focused on the extension of its brand into hotels subsidiary named MGM Hospitality. MGM hospitality is held responsible for the outsourcing of gaming and non-gaming both type of investments and the management opportunities. The opening of Grand Macau in China is a nother example of this. These investments helped in accumulating almost one billion dollars of capital in the same year. Market position The ability to establish a unique position in the mind of the customer by delivering benefits and unique features is known as the determinant for the organizations position in the market (Woods, Robert,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Personal, Professional, and Ethical Belief System Essay Example for Free

Personal, Professional, and Ethical Belief System Essay In the human services field, personal ethical belief systems combined with professional ethics work in partnership to guide human service professionals in unraveling ethical dilemmas. An increasing number of professionals and clients seek out to define the fundamental policies of the human services field. Humans develop an integration of values, standards, and beliefs from birth throughout life. The values, standards, and beliefs developed through life assist in characterizing personal ethical belief systems. Our personal ethical belief system unites with our professional ethics to shape the ethical decision-making process. A code of ethics is essential to organizations in the human services field. A code of ethics identifies adequate behavior, endorses high standards of practice, supplies a standard to use for self assessment, and establishes a structure for professional behaviors and responsibilities. Human service professionals promote the integrity and ethics of the profession. As a result, it is crucial for a human service professional to stay educated and knowledgeable of the theoretical basis of their ethical belief system, other theoretical ethics, ethical and legal issues, and the ethical principles of their organization. Every person possesses a core system of values. My personal ethical belief system is derived from my core system of values, the people who helped shape those values, and the decision-making factors I use today to improve them as necessary. My parents, educators, Sunday schoolteachers, preachers, administrators, God, leaders, and many others in the community help shape my values and provide the basis for my ethical belief system. I articulate values in my associations with other people when I am loyal, reliable, honest, generous, trusting, trustworthy, feel a sense of accountability for my family, friends, coworkers, community, country, and the organization where I volunteer. My parents taught me to be a Christian person and to do what is morally right in the eyes of God. I met troubled times throughout my life, but I believe because of my strong morally sound background I could take those experiences and learn from them. My parents remain amazing role models in my life. I attend church and praise God every week as a reminder of why I keep my moral values and belief system close and dear to me. I choose to continue my education on many aspects in my life to assist in governing decision-making factors. As a proud citizen of America, I realize the discrepancy relating to laws and ethics. A law is a decree or government rule prepared to punish those whom disobey. Laws are consistent, universal, published, accepted, and enforced. Ethics is a sense of what is right and wrong morally. However, there is a difference between ethics and morality. According to Anstead, S. M. (1999), â€Å"Morality refers both to the standards of behavior by which individuals are judged, and to the standards of behavior by which people in general are judged in their relationships with others. Ethics, on the other hand, encompasses the system of beliefs that supports a particular view of morality. † The law often integrates ethical standards to which society subscribes. Most ethical decisions come with extensive penalties, numerous alternatives, varied results, unsure and personal consequences. My belief system is derived from my confidence that there is more to reality than what we see. I have faith in a spiritual side of reality beyond what we can see or experience. The basis of my ethical belief system comes from my values and those whom attributed to those values including my life as a believer in God and as a Christian. My metaphysiological view of theism supports my views of ethical absolutism. I found this quote interesting and supportive of my ethical belief system. According to Worldview Dictionary (2011), â€Å"Ethical absolutism is the belief that right and wrong are unchanging, not determined by the individual or the culture; revealed by God through both general and specific revelation. † Ethical absolutism follows one universal moral standard. God is infinite, everlasting, and never-changing. God set the laws of the land therefore I must abide by what is determined by God as right and wrong. God has revealed this truth through his creation and revelation. God is absolute. God created all people as equals. As a believer in God, I serve him through service to others and my community. I take on responsibilities of helping others in my community, volunteering, and donating goods. At all times I abide by these principles: worship only God, respect people, be humble, be honest, live a moral life, be generous with time, practice my views, do not criticize, judge, or condemn, do not hold a grudge, and forgive others. I believe it is right to resist temptation while knowing that evil lurks around. I believe one-day God will return and seek judgment for his people. To live morally and ethically divine is obligatory to have eternal life. As a person and professional, I understand and acknowledge that not all human beings embrace the same views as me and I respect the views of others. In the human service profession, my personal ethical belief system helps guide the work I do as a volunteer at Wise Choices Pregnancy Resource Center (WCPRC). At WCPRC the mission is to help women make life affirming choices. The services offered are free pregnancy testing, free limited sonograms, adoption referrals, abortion education, abortion recovery programs, and earn while you learn program for baby needs. I chose this organization specifically because it supports my beliefs on pro-life. Pro-life supports my beliefs as a Christian. I advocate providing women with education and alternatives to abortion. According to Wise Choices Pregnancy Resource Center (2012), â€Å"Through the years, Wise Choices, has been able to provide various kinds of help and â€Å"counseling† to the women of Wise County and the surrounding areas. We not only help the client, but family or friends of the client, in regards to the situation the client is facing. We believe we can make a difference in the lives of women, one at a time! As a Christian woman, I think that it is important to help clients who are abortion minded or abortion vulnerable see the opportunities they have to save the life they have created. As an advocate, I ask the client if she would like the opportunity to hear the gospel. If she accepts I can share the love God has for his children including the client and her unborn child. I also have the remarkable chance to ask the client if she wants to accept Jesus as her savior from sins. I explain to my clients willing to accept and hear the gospel that they may ask God to forgive them for their sins. It is also an occasion to talk to my clients about abstinence until marriage. Each of the values listed above guides me to be an advocate for the unborn child who is defenseless in his or her right to life. Often I am met with challenges, such as a woman who is pregnant from rape or incest. It is often hard to explain to a woman with traumatic experiences that it is still important to give birth to their child even in extenuating circumstances. Some of the hardest cases come from a woman who is abortion minded or vulnerable and has no interest in hearing the gospel. I go home and pray for the client, her family, and the unborn child. As a member of the National Organization for Human Services (NOHS), the Code of Ethics is an important guidance tool in ethical dilemmas. The Code of Ethics is a set standard of conduct for human service professionals to consider in the ethical decision-making process. According to the National Organization for Human Services (2009), â€Å"Human service professionals respect the integrity and welfare of the client at all times. Each client is treated with respect, acceptance and dignity. Statement two is an ethical principle not difficult to adhere. As a human service professional the integrity and welfare of the client is my duty to advocate. I make a commitment to my client when I become his or her advocate, and that commitment involves seeking the best outcome for the welfare of my client. As a Christian I see all people as equal, and I treat others with respect and dignity at all times. It is important to remem ber that it could be me in the same situation. The NOHS Code of Ethics lists ethical principles that will not be hard to adhere. However, I found a one that might prove to be slightly difficult. According to the National Organization for Human Services (2009), â€Å"Human service educators uphold the principle of liberal education and embrace the essence of academic freedom, abstaining from inflicting their own personal views/morals on students, and allowing students the freedom to express their views without penalty, censure or ridicule, and to engage in critical thinking. † The portion of this statement that might be difficult adhering to is inflicting my own personal values if I were a human service educator. I know that I could refrain from inflicting my own personal values, but I find it would be hard. As a Christian, I think it is important to share the gospel and what it means to me. For example in an ethics class students reflect upon their ethical belief systems and where they originated from. I think if I were the educator it would be hard to refrain myself from speaking my own worldviews and morals to other students. However, as a professional it is important to follow the ethical standards set for the organization in which I am an employee, and the NOHS Code of Ethics. A Code of Ethics is guiding principles that apply to different aspects of life. Ethical standards pertain too many of the following general topics: the use of psychological tests in the courtroom, the lie detector, boundaries of competence, integrity, sexual harassment, human differences, and the legal definition of insanity. * The Use of Psychological Tests in the Courtroom- The use of psychological tests in the courtroom to support the testimony of experts ranges from commendable to problematic. There is a necessity for a reasonable practice of disclosure of psychological test information during trials and courtroom procedures, afterwards the material may be sealed. Psychological tests in the courtroom should adhere to ethical standards by telling the truth and not telling truth intentionally inaccurate. In Statement 28 of the NOHS Code of Ethics, human service professional’s responsibility to the profession is to act with integrity and honesty. My ethical belief system incorporates honesty and integrity at all times. The Lie Detector – After researching ethical standards of the lie detector, I found a Code of Ethics from the American Polygraph Association. The ethical standards stated included: rights of examinees, standards for rendering polygraph decisions, post-examination notification results, restrictions on rendering opinions, restrictions on examinations, fees, standards of reporting, advertisements, release of nonrelevant information, restrictions on examination issues, and APA oversight authority. Lie detectors establish the difference between a lie and the truth; if a person has nothing to hide a lie detector should be no problem. Lie detector use brought justice to families over the years, and continues to do so with respect to the rights of all persons who take the lie detector test. As part of my personal ethics it is essential in the justice system. In Statement 35 of the NOHS Code of Ethics, accountability is maintained by the human service professional. * Boundaries of Competence – Human service professionals are only to conduct research, teach, and provide services only within their boundaries of competence, based on personal experience, education, supervised experience, and study. Reasonable steps should be taken to ensure competence in areas emerging and training does not yet exist. My personal ethics system is important to practice my views. This relates to boundaries of competence I would not practice something I did not believe to be true. In Statement 40 of the NOHS Code of Ethics human service educators demonstrate high standards of scholarships and stay current with developments in human services. * Integrity – Accuracy, honesty, and truthfulness is a role all human service professionals abide by. Integrity is something I incorporate in my personal ethical beliefs and value system. Ethically it is wrong to steal, cheat, lie, fraud, or misrepresent a client or a friend. According to American Psychological Association (2012), â€Å"In situations in which deception may be ethically justifiable to maximize benefits and minimize harm, psychologists have a serious obligation to consider the need for, the possible consequences of, and their responsibility to correct any resulting mistrust or other harmful effects that arise from the use of such techniques. My belief in God’s written words of the Bible helps shape my ethical view on integrity. Statement five of NOHS Code of Ethics protects the integrity of client records. * Sexual Harassment – Sexual harassment is solicitation, verbal or nonverbal sexual behavior, and sexual advances. All people have a right to earn a living free from persistent and pervasive acts of sexual harassment. It is not right to threaten an employee’s self-worth, esteem, and possible advancement in the workplace. As a professional, conduct should compare to higher standards of integrity and safety in the workplace. Statement 24 of NOHS Code of Ethics states that human service professionals should report unethical behavior of colleagues. My personal ethical beliefs in this situation relate back to my Christianity and the laws of the land that an act of sexual harassment is not acting appropriately in the eyes of God. * Human Differences – Human service professionals create public trust through ethical and moral acts. Human diversity is one of those acts. It is imperative to be culturally sensitive to all individuals at all times. I promise to serve all people with the intent to protect their welfare without judgment of any kind. In my ethical beliefs God is the judge, and he will return to do that one day. Statement two of the Code of Ethics for NOHS says human service professionals treat clients with respect and respect their welfare, and Statement 20 refers to diverse backgrounds. * The Legal Definition of Insanity – In my ethical belief system a person who commits an act out of insanity is still responsible for what he or she has done. It is one’s duty to do what is morally right. Questions of right and wrong are paramount, and therefore as I believe absolute. Statement 37 of the NOHS Code of Ethics addresses the need for lifelong learning, and I relate that to this case as a responsibility the human service professional has to its client, as the person who commits a crime out of insanity has a responsibility to pay the consequences. As a member of Team C throughout this course relating to ethics and law in the human services profession we did a team presentation on deontology theory, as presented earlier in the paper. According to Alexander and Moore (2008), â€Å"The word deontology derives from the Greek words for duty (deon) and science (or study) of (logos). This normative theory concentrates on what she should do from a moral standpoint. Deontology is a theory that helps to guide and access our choices in what we ought to do. † Deontology theory assumes at least three important features. The first feature concludes that duty should be done for duty’s sake. An example, acts of promise breaking, lying, or murder are wrong intrinsically, and it is the duty of humans not to do these things. Second, humans ought to be treated as subjects of intrinsic moral value; meaning an ends in themselves and never as a mere means to another end. The third feature is a moral principle is a definite essential that is universalizable; meaning it must be applicable for everyone whom is in the same moral situation. The theoretical basis of my personal ethical belief system falls under the deontology theory. Deontological theory claims the moral rightness or wrongness of an action does not depend upon the nature of its consequences, but on its intrinsic qualities. Deontology theory was founded by Immanuel Kant. Kant was motivated by the lack of a role for duty in Utilitarianism, something he believed to be the foundation of all morality. Deontology supports moral absolutism. Actions are either moral or immoral regardless of the beliefs of an individual, society, or culture. Morals of the universe are intrinsic in the laws of the universe and the nature of humanity. Therefore, the theoretical basis of my personal belief system as a Christian is supported by deontology theory. My belief in God supports ethical absolutism, deontology, and my personal ethical belief system.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Introduction Of KFC In Mauritius

Introduction Of KFC In Mauritius The necessity for all human being is eating which is observably a daily action. For eating at restaurants, it depend on an individuals reason and is intentionally or instinctively assess by a multifarious set of attributes ahead before choosing a restaurant. Thus, this study is to investigate how much service quality has an impact on customer satisfaction and retention especially in our Mauritian context at KFC. As there is a casual inter-relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality, this study aims to find out the effectiveness of the service dimensions of service quality which leads to customer satisfaction and finally to retention at KFC. An individual feeling of pleasure and disappointment is known as satisfaction and the customer satisfaction is very important for any organization. All the main aspects will be analyzed and recommendations will be drawn out for better improvement. Company Background History Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) was founded by Colonel Harland Sanders in 1952 and its primary focus is fried chicken. KFC also offers grilled and roasted chicken products, wraps, salads, sandwiches and desserts as well beef based products outside the USA. Although the death of Sanders in 1980, he remains a vital part of the firms branding and advertisements, and Colonel Sanders or The Colonel is a metonym for the company itself. In 1991, the abbreviated form of its name KFC was adopted by the company. The Present KFC operates more than 5,200 restaurants in the United States and more than 15,000 units around the world. In 109 countries and territories around the world, KFC daily serves more than 12 million customers. KFC is world famous for its Original Recipe fried chicken, made up of 11 herbs and spices secretly blended together. Colonel Harland Sanders perfected more than a half century ago. Based on the Fortune 500 List, KFC is ranked on 239 positions with revenues in excess of $11 billion in 2008. Introduction of KFC in Mauritius With time, consumers were more demanding for large variety of food and then, the first KFC outlet was launched in Mauritius-1983. Pick N Eat is the company which operates the KFC franchise in Mauritius. KFC has carved a solid reputation as a quick service restaurant which provides quality products and service. Across our island, 18 outlets are spread out and 10,000 customers daily are enjoying their finger-linking favorites in the consumer-friendly environment. Background of the program In the fierce competition, the market trend has changed noticeably from agricultural to service market. The service sector especially fast food industry is in a rapid growth and gain a sustainable position in the market due to lack of time to prepare food and dual income families. All of the fast food businesses are trying their best to improve their service quality in order to make customer satisfied and return back to them again. They are concentrating more on service quality in order to meet the needs and expectations of the customer. The more satisfied the customers are, the more likely they are to return to the restaurant. The fast food industry has undoubtedly not been free from either augmented competition or from increasing customer expectations regarding quality. In the fast food industry, the perceived quality holds a great importance to create a retention effect for customers. So the fact is that when the service providers are able to satisfy its customers with good manage rial arrangement, the foods quality provided, have efficient staff, then a positive outcome is seen in customers retention in a particular restaurant. Problem Statement Service quality is a vital strategy for any restaurants, success and repeat business and it has long been defined by adopting a rather more customer-oriented view and not by the restaurateur-oriented (Saleh and Ryan, 1991). Customer is the key role in any business, without any customer it is difficult to do business. It is necessary to work closely with your customer. As customers can also create your business, thus, customer is the major part of business and also in the market. Business runs through customer, without the customer there is no business. Due to the increasing competition with other restaurants and quality-conscious customers, it is vital to carry out this research. There is a need for further improvement in order to face the competitors and meet the increasing customers expectation concerning quality. Based on the actual service quality performance of KFC, it is important to identify if customers are satisfied with the current situation and are likely to retain at KFC or switch to other competitors. Also, to find out the factors of service quality that leads to customer satisfaction and retention. From the above reasons, it is important that the service performance meets or exceeds customers and their expectation, the customer will be satisfied. Service quality is an antecedent of customer satisfaction. Therefore, this warrants a study to assess the customers expectation and perception, examine its discrepancy gaps and the service quality dimensions that influence customer satisfaction and retention. Research Objectives -To determine customers expectation and perception level towards service quality. -To identify the discrepancy gap between customers expectation and perception level towards service quality. -To identify the SERVQUAL dimensions which have an influence on customer satisfaction and retention? Research Questions -What is customers expectation and perception towards service quality? -What is the discrepancy gap exist between customers expectation and perception towards service quality? -What are the SERVQUAL dimensions which have an influence on customer satisfaction and retention? Aims of the study This study is to find out whether the service dimensions have an impact on customer satisfaction and retention at KFC by using the SERVQUAL Model by Parasuraman, Zenithaml, and Berry (1988). It will also explore the service aspects that affect and influence customer satisfaction and retention. Significance of the study This study will act as a practical guideline for KFC, especially for the management and the front line employees which may increased a higher level of customer satisfaction in the near future. The results of this quantitative assessment of service quality may provide some insights into how customers rate the service and assessed customer satisfaction at KFC. The outcomes will utilize as a basis to improve their existing service quality or to develop a new one in order to meet with the customers needs and satisfy them. Furthermore it will help KFC managers to know if they are providing services according to the norms established by customers. The management will be able to come up with a strategy for upgrading their service quality which will definitely lead to customer satisfaction and retention. All these views of customers will help KFC to remedy problems if there are and maintain their service quality. Phases of the discussion Introduction In the first chapter, the problem area is discussed with a deeper understanding regarding the research. The problem discussion ends with a research objectives and questions. In the end of this chapter, the contributions of this research are also presented. Literature Review In the literature review, the service qualitys impact on customer satisfaction and retention is discussed with the following purposes of assessing customers expectation, customers and employees perception, identifying their gaps and the influencing service quality aspects. Research Methodology ************************************* Analysis ************************************************* Conclusion and Recommendation ******************************************************** Conclusion The first chapter provided us a background to the outline of the dissertation. It contained the research context, which is, identify the problems, and establish its aims and its objectives, set out the research questions and finally present the outline of the study. Chapter 2- LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter will give an overview of literature and models that presented by writers and journalists. It will support the research objective presented in the previous chapter. The chapter will elaborate the concepts of service, service quality, customer satisfaction, customer retention, service quality dimensions, the gaps and others. 2.2 Fast Food Industry The fast food industry is also known as Quick Service Restaurants (QSR) and has been serving delicious food for as long as people lived on. The fast food generally refers to the food served to customers in form of packaged for takeout or on the spot with minimum preparation time. The Mauritian fast food industry was primarily started with the famous dholl-puri and is still in great demand. But, due to globalization, the fast food industry has gradually breakthrough the Mauritian lifestyle. The consumer demand has evolved as they demand for a variety of food in a comfortable, stylish place and for busy people a quick bite at all times of the day. Today, these products form part of the Mauritian lifestyle and culture. People look for the convenience in order to improve their lives and productivity. Recent studies have shown that one out of every two-and-a-half-meal today is eaten away from home (Kara et al 1997). The fast food industry is not without its challenges. There is an increased focus on the quality of food served in the fast food restaurants. But, in this fierce competition of today, the right marketing approach and application of service quality is vital to compete with competitors as well as retain customers. The fast food industry is large and diverse in itself with lots of opportunities that challenge is being answered with new offerings and strategies to lure consumer back in. In the new emerging fast food industry, KFC is expanding in accordance with the customers demand despite the environmental problems and provide its potential to give a meal in a pleasant atmosphere. Jang Namkung (2009) proposed three factors: service and product quality as well as the atmospherics element are considered as the main restaurant attributes affecting the perceived quality of customers experiences at a restaurant. The total dining experience in a restaurant is comprised of not only food itself, but also the atmosphere (physical aspects) and the service provided. Thus, the fast food industry is based on the principles of quality food served fast and requires fast-reaction solutions to customers needs if they want to satisfy and retain customers. 2.3 Service There are many definitions concerning the concept of service by researchers. The term service was describe by the author Gronroos (1983) as: An activity or series of activities of more or less intangibles nature that normally, but not necessarily, take place in interactions between the customer and service employees and/or physical resources or goods and / or systems of service provider, which are provided as solutions to customer problems. Another definition was given by the author (Payne, 1993) said that service is Any primary or complementary activity that does not directly. Produce a physical product that is, the non-goods part of the transaction between customer and provider. Whereas Kotler et. al. (1999) is of opinion the service is regarded as any activity or benefit that one party offers to another which is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything, and it may or may not be tied to a physical product. Normally, lots of people are involved in a s ervice process and it is tough to do an analysis of service or to duplicate the same service exactly. In today market, products heavily rely on its service to acquire competitive advantage and to satisfy customers needs. Each authors mentions service as an exchange between the service provider and customers as well as its intangibility nature. The most vital point is simply the participation of the customer in the service process. KFC provides quality product and service with full customers interaction. 2.4 Service Quality In the service industry, service quality has become a crucial tool. Practitioners are more interested in the concept of service quality which has an advantageous effect on the outcome performance for the company. Service quality is a critical element of customer perceptions as well as in determining customer satisfaction. Various experts have defined service quality differently. Parasuraman et al. (1985) proposed a formal definition of service quality as the degree and direction of discrepancy between customers service perception and expectation. Satisfaction occurs when the expectations meet or exceed the performance level whereas customer dissatisfaction occurs when the expectation is below the perceived quality. Asubonteng et al. (1996) defines service quality as the extent to which a service meets customers need and expectation. Hooley, Saunders and Piercy (2004) A prime factor in differentiating the product or service from that of competitors is quality. Quality concerns the fit ness for purpose of a product or service. For manufactured products that can include the durability, appearance or grade of the product while in services it often comes down to the tangible elements of the services, the reliability and responsiveness of the service provider, the assurance provided of the value of service and empathy, or caring attention, received. According to these authors, the service quality is normally the customer perceptions and the organizations activities together with delivering quality service that matched to customer expectations on a consistent basis. Service quality is a key survival of all restaurants as it is the most powerful competitive weapon that can be used against competitors and to attract as well as to retain customers. These authors highlights that two main factors affect the quality of a services, that is, expected service and perceived service. 2.5 SERVQUAL Approach The SERVQUAL framework has come up for the purpose to improve service quality in services and retailing organizations as it has suggest that customer satisfaction is based on multiple factors rather than one. The SERVQUAL method was developed by Parasuraman et al. in 1988 as a technique used to perform a gap analysis of an organizations service quality performance against customer service quality needs. Parasuraman et al. (1988) came up with five dimensions (grouped with 22 attributes) to measure service quality which is responsiveness, assurance, tangibility, empathy and reliability. The SERVQUAL instrument is regarded as a reliable method of measuring service quality (explore customers expectation and perceptions), which in turn leads to a measurement of customer satisfaction. Internationally, KFC already have a service quality assurance team for regular surveys with a theory known as CHAMPS (consist of cleanliness, hospitality, accuracy, maintenance, the standard of product quality plus service speed). This is to evaluate the customers experience whether they are satisfied or not with the products and services. In Mauritius, KFC has already executed the theory of service quality and conduct survey concerning the services. Thus, in the study, the SERVQUAL method will be used for further research work. 2.5.1 SERVQUAL Dimensions In 1985, Parasuraman et al. has identified ten determinants for measuring service quality which are as follows: responsiveness, reliability, access, competence, courtesy, credibility, communication, security, tangibility and understanding or knowing the customer. Later, in 1998, Parasuraman et al. refined the model to the useful acronym RATER:- Reliability It is defined as the ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately or delivering on its promises (Zeithaml et al., 2006, p. 117). It is one of the most important service components for customers as it implies doing it right the first time. The service organizations need to keep its promise and maintain an error free record. The reliability factors are efficiency in the billing system, consistency in serving customers, and the staff performs tasks that have been promised to guests and well trained staff. For the food beverage industry, reliability can be interpreted to mean fresh food delivered at the correct temperature and accurately the first time (Andaleeb Conway, 2006). In the Mauritian context, KFC has its own training center recognized by the franchisor for their staff. The chicken is prepared on the spot and they make sure that the service delivery is consistent and timely. The most significant policy of KFC is evaluating the customers experience with its service, whether they are satisfied or not. They can also put their comments and suggestions for further improvements of the products and services of KFC. Assurance Assurance is defined as the employees knowledge and courtesy and the service providers ability to inspire trust and confidence (Zeithaml et al., 2006, p. 119). The assurance factors are staffs knowledge about the menu, safety, security, trustworthy and friendly staff. Customers are more likely to use tangible evidence to assess the assurance dimension such as awards or special certificates which give a new customer confidence. KFC has achieved National Quality Awards and have a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) program is implemented in order to identify, evaluate and control any physical and environmental hazards in the work place. And the logo of HACCP is visible in every restaurant as an assurance dimension. Tangibility Tangible is defined as the physical facilities, equipment, staff appearance and others. In accordance with the author, Zeithamal et al. (2006) this dimension is comprised to the current appearance and shape of the cutlery, the restaurants interiors decor, silverwares and the uniform of the staff, the layout and appearance of the menu list, restaurant signage and advertising campaign. Tangibles are used by firms to convey image and signal quality (Zeithaml et al., 2006). Customers use this dimension to evaluate the quality. KFC has its own evidence of its service in terms of products, packaging, printed and visual marketing materials, websites, and staff appearance, virtual evidence of handling queries and feedback through Facebook and other online services. Empathy Empathy is the extent to which caring individualized service is given to a customer. The customer is treated as a king. Many small companies use this ability to provide customized services as a competitive advantage over the larger firms (Zeithaml et al., 2006). The empathy components are willingness to handle requests, give individualized attention to customers, and show enthusiasm to serve and to answer to all queries accurately. Empathy may be important to ensure customer loyalty as the server knows how the customer likes his or her food prepared. In return, the customer is easily approach and spell out their needs to the service provider. If a company looks its customer as an individual, as result, the company will come out as a winner. KFC take care of each individual customer by providing the meal according to the customer requirement. Such as, a meal can be upgraded by adding cheese, pineapple, tomato, plain or spicy chicken as per the customers taste. Before launching a new product, KFC take care of its customers opinion into consideration through Facebook and keep continuous communication with the customer through regular survey. Responsiveness Responsiveness is defined as the willingness to help customers and provide prompt service (Zeithaml et al., 2006, p. 117). The responsiveness factors are short waiting period for the service delivery, attend complaints quickly, availability of staff when needed and restaurants action upon customer suggestions. In order to be responsive, a service provider has to determine how long it would take to get answer or to solve a problem. To be successful, companies need to look at responsiveness from the view point of the customer rather than the companys perspective (Zeithaml et al., 2006). This dimension captures the notion of flexibility and ability to customize the service according to the customer needs. KFC handle complaints quickly especially through Facebook and the staff are willing to help customer as well as keeping in mind for short waiting period in service delivery. 2.5.2 Service Quality Gaps Model In 1990, Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Berry have developed a survey instrument to measure the gap between customers expectation for excellence and their perception of actual service delivered. The SERVQUAL model uses the terms that describe one or more determinants of a quality service encounter. Gronroos (1982), Lewis and Booms (1983); Parasuraman et al. (1985) have the same opinion that the most frequently used approach to measure service quality is SERVQUAL to compare the customers expectation prior to the service encounter and their perception after the actual service delivery. Basically, there are seven principal gaps in the service qualitys concept, out of which Gap 1, Gap 5 and Gap 6 are more associated with the external customers as they have a direct relationship with customers. Figure 2.1: SERVQUAL or Gaps Model (Zeithaml Parasuaman Berry 1988 Gap 1: Management perceptions of consumer expectations and Customers expectations and It is the knowledge gap which portrays the difference between the management beliefs about customers, expectations and what customers actually need and expect. This gap happens when there is insufficient flow of communication upwards, lack of marketing research orientation and too many level of management. Gap 2: Management perceptions of consumer expectations v/s service specifications It is a policy gap where a difference occurs between management perceptions regarding customers expectations and service specifications are set for service delivery. The reasons for this gap are unfeasibility, inadequate commitment to service quality and task standardization as well as an absence of goal setting. Gap 3: Service quality specifications opposite service delivery It is the difference between the service specifications and the service delivery teams actual performance on these specifications. The gap is a result of poor employee-job fit, lack of perceived control and lack of teamwork. Gap 4: Service delivery v/s external communication to customers The communication gap is the difference between what the company communicates and what is actually delivers to the customer. It is due to inadequate horizontal communications and propensity to over- promise. Gap 5: The discrepancy gap between customers expectations and customers perceptions of the service delivered It is the difference between what has actually delivered and what customers feel they have received. Customer expectations are influenced by the extent of personal needs, past service experiences and word of mouth recommendation. The difference occurs when customers are influenced and service provider has shortfalls. Gap 6: The discrepancy gap between customer expectations from the service provider and employees perceptions of consumers expectations The service quality gap is what the customers expect to receive and their perception of the service that is actually delivered. There is a difference in the understanding of customer expectations by front-line service provider. Gap 7: The discrepancy gap between employees perceptions and management perceptions of consumers expectations This gap is mainly an internal difference in the organization such as differences in understanding of customer expectations between management and employees. 2.6 Customer Satisfaction Customer satisfaction is the heart of marketing. Customer satisfaction is the customers evaluation of the service or product against if their needs and expectations are meant. For any restaurant, customer satisfaction is more important as it forms a part of marketing. In past years, customer satisfaction was not that important but today it is the most important issue in term of the most reliable feedback for a restaurants excellency. Richard L. Oliver (1997, P.13) define customer satisfaction as Satisfaction is the consumers fulfillment response. It is a judgment that a product or service feature, or the product or service itself, provides a pleasurable level of consumption-related fulfillment. Customers satisfaction is highly influenced by their characteristics, their emotional responses and their perceptions of equity. As Kotler (2000, p.36) defined that satisfaction is a persons feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceived performance (or ou tcome) in relation to his or her expectation. If the performance didnt meet the expectation of the customer, then dissatisfaction will occur. If the performance exceeds the customers expectation, then satisfaction will occur. If the performance exceeds more than expected, then the customer will delighted. In the context of customer satisfaction, Johnston and Clark (2005) have describe it as Service as the combination of outcomes and experience delivered to and receives by a customer. Customers therefore judge the quality of the service on the experience as well as the outcome. Due to current competitive edge, customers are abreast with the fact of product quality and every service provider is interested to satisfy customers needs and wants. All of three authors explain customer satisfaction as a bunch of desired expectations of a customer that has been fulfilled by the service provider. But, Richard L. Olivers definition is more applicable in this research work which emphasis that satisfaction is based upon service itself. KFC take care for its customer satisfaction by providing an online questionnaire on its website regarding customer satisfaction. 2.7 Customer Retention Lovelock (2004) illustrates importance of customer retention The hardest part of a business is customer retention. If a company does not retain its customers, inevitably it will fail. Marketing essentially means keeping customer loyalty. In order to have a good lifetime value of customers, an organization needs to have good strategies to retain them and arouse loyalty within them for lifetime. Laura Lake (2010) defined Customer retention is not only a cost effective and profitable strategy, but in todays business world its necessary. This is especially true when you remember that 80% of your sales come from 20% of your customer and clients In the starting point of a business, customer retention is very important as the cost involved in attracting new customers are five times higher than retaining an existing one. Hill and Alexander (2006) defined It is becoming accepted that there is a strong link between customer satisfaction, customer retention and profitability. By fulfilling cust omer expectation, an organization provides all service according to the customers preferences and in return, the customer is loyal to the organization. It makes profit for the organization and organization has to retain by providing continuous good services, better customer satisfaction and that will be profitability for the organization. So, organization has to make strong relation with customers as high rates of customer retention are a competitive weapon against its competitors. By having a questionnaire always on the website, KFC is trying to take care of that small segment of customers who are satisfied or dissatisfied with its service quality. In this way, KFC tries to retain those happy customers than losing them. 2.8 Customers expectations and perceptions 2.8.1 Customers expectations Customer expectations are increasing day by day and demanding for quality products and services; therefore expectations play an important role in the formation of customer satisfaction. The term expectations really matters to companies because they want to know what customers expectations are. According to Oliver (1981) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ expectations are consumer-defined probabilities of the occurrence of positive and negative events if the consumer engages in some behavior. Customers form their expectations from their past experience, friends advice, and marketers and competitors information and promises. Organizations in order to keep expectations from rising, they have to perform services properly from the first time (Parasuraman et al. 1988). There is tendency that if a service is not delivered as promised, thus the customers expectations are likely to rise in the next encounter. Expectations serve as reference points in customers assessment of performance (Cronin Taylor, 1992). Th e purpose of trying to understand customers expectations is trying to ensure that service can be designed and delivered in order to meet those expectations. If the operation meets the expectations, or indeed exceeds them, then customers are satisfied with the service. If they are satisfied they are more likely to become valuable customers who not only use the service again, but are positively disposed towards it and may even recommend it to other Johnston and Clark (2005). Therefore, the perceived service quality is viewed as the difference between consumers perceptions and expectations for the service provided. 2.8.2 Customers perceptions Mc Kenna (2000) is of opinion that perception is a vital process in a persons life where he or she has to manage and interpret a situation or an event to define a particular respond. Service firms must understand the concept of service quality from the point of view of the customer, not from the view point of the service firm or service provider. Besides, customer perceives services in the response to quality pertaining to the service and the extent to which they are satisfied with the overall service with their experiences (Zeithaml and Bitner 2003). The customer satisfaction is determined by the customers perceptions and expectations of the service quality. Customer perceives services in terms of the quality of the service and how satisfied they are overall with their experience. The customers perception varies from customer to customer and each one has different beliefs towards the services that play a crucial role in determining customer satisfaction. Therefore, customer percepti on and customer satisfaction are very closely linked together, because if the perceived service is close to customers expectations it leads to satisfaction. Satisfied customers provide recommendations; maintain loyalty towards the company and customers in turn are more likely to pay price premiums (Reichheld, 1996). As such, perceived service quality is a key component of customer satisfaction. 2.9 Relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction A great emphasis need to be heightened on service quality and customer satisfaction. In old times, customers were not concerned about quality and their satisfaction does not have such importance. But, today,

Friday, September 20, 2019

Grendel, John Gardner Analysis

Grendel, John Gardner Analysis In John Gardners Grendel, he presents Grendel as a truly unique character. Gardner portrays Grendel as a misunderstood, confused yet a complex creature. Whom he humanizes. I feel that by portraying him this way, Gardner shows how there are two sides to each story. This makes him more relatable to the reader. Grendel is monstrous, but not brutish. Grendel is a character who is capable of learning, thinking, feeling emotions and communicating. Personally what attracts me to Grendel is his curiosity. Readers can relate to Grendel in many ways. He knows that his actions are cruel, yet he wants to understand why he persists in them. Grendel has been at war with the Danes and it was twelfth year of his idiotic war (5).Grendel knows that his war with the Danes is a cycle, which involves him killing people but he still continues it. He knows what he is doing is stupid and idiotic because he describes it as idiotic (5). I feel that the reason he still goes on with the war is because he is curious to find out why he does the thing he does .I think he is hoping for an epiphany. Grendel is longing for an answer. The curiosity of Grendel, gives the reader the reasoning behind his attacks and this makes him more understandable to the reader. Like humans Grendel is able to learn quickly. He learns a lot about himself and the world while he is trapped in the tree. While he was up on the tree, Grendel realizes that the whole world is unstable. In other words, he thinks that the world is chaotic and violent. I understood that, finally and absolute, I alone exist (22), Grendel realizes that he is alone in this world. Through the entire novel it has been a learning process for him. During his first encounter he learns that humans are no dull mechanical bull (27) but they were the most dangerous thing (27) he has ever met. His first encounter with humans made him want to learn more about the humans and this is why he watched humans. He would watch them from the eaves of the forest (30), he wanted to know more about humans. He felt a connection with humans, even though they misunderstood him and attacked him. I think he found more of a connection with humans that with his own mother because they had similar traits such as thinki ng, learning and curiosity. I feel that Grendel is an intelligent creature because he is able to use what he has learned from past observations. He knew that the Danes were doomed (53), Grendel has seen people fight each other and destroy each other and he knew that the same fate awaited them. The way that Gardner portrays Grendels rationalization and his ability to learn show how much of a complex character he is. He was able to recognize humans have a similar language. Grendel like humans is also able to feel emotions. This is what separates him from the all the other creatures. When Grendel was stuck in the tree trunk, he bellowed for [his] mother (27). I feel sympathy for Grendel because he reminds me of a child .His behavior is childlike. He is in search of love just like any other child. Grendel is scared just like any child would be. By Gardner humanizing Grendel he is able to draw sympathy towards him. After sparing Unferth, each time he sees him, he roll[s] on the floor with laughter is mocking him (90). Grendel is able to feel and shows that he knows that humans have feeling too because he knows each time he mocks Unferth he knows that it kills him a little on the inside. When Grendel encounters Wealtheow, he describes her as beautiful [and] as innocent as dawn on winter hills (100).Wealtheow tore [him] apart as once the shapers song had done (100).Grendel is moved by her beauty. He had the greatest admiration (144) for her. Grendels ability to think attracts the reader because ability to think separates human from animals. He is a bit of philosopher. He seeks, like an existentialist philosopher, to understand the nature of his being and to bring his nature to completion. He understands that the world was nothing (21).He understands the world is nothing and that a person define meaning to their life. His existential views are also shown when he was tempted to whisper, all of us must sooner or later pass (145). He understands that people are only here for a short period of time. With his encounter with the dragon, he understands the dragon could lie. He was evil enough (71).I feel this shows how complex Grendels thinking ability is. He can synthesize information about the dragon, after meeting with him and uses reasoning to figure out that he couldnt trust the dragon. He doubts the dragon. I feel that this shows his ability to think because doubt is caused by thinking and analyzing information and assessi ng the validity of the information. Finally Grendel is a character who is full of pride. He thinks that he is better than other creature. He considers other creatures as low-life. He wonders why cant these creatures discover a little dignity (6). He thinks he is better than the bull because he has dignity. When he was fighting with Beowulf he thinks he is better than humans. He thinks he can escape him (169).He thinks that he is better than humans. Point of view In John Gardners Grendel, Grendel, both the main character and narrator of the story, narrates the story from a first person point of view. I feel that this adds a personal touch to the story because all the emotions he describes are raw emotions. As I go through Grendels life, I am sympathetic towards him because of his raw emotions. Because it is told from the first person perspective, the emotions described are the same exact emotions Grendel felt. I think the reason Gardner chose to tell it from Grendels point of view because there are always two sides to each story. In the epic, Grendel is portrayed as a simply monster who is plain evil and has no emotions what so ever. Gardner gives a chance for Grendel to tell his side of the story. Grendels first encounter with men, they consider him as a spirit (25).The significance of this experience is not how he encounter men for the first time but how the people reacted towards him. They misunderstood him from the get go. They didnt even try to understand him. At one point they though he was a fungus (24). Gardner uses Grendel to convey the idea that bullies are like monsters in a sense because no one tries to understand them. People jump to conclusions without knowing all the facts like how they classified Grendel as a spirit without having any concrete evidence that proves he is a spirit. Another example is when Grendels mouth moved but nothing would come out (26) and they assume th at Grendel is hungry. Then they mistaken him as an enemy, and the king hurdles an axe towards at [Grendel] (27). I feel bad for Grendel because everyone misunderstands him. Grendel telling the story makes us feel pity towards him which was lacking in the original Beowulf. In the epic Grendel was a monster who was pure evil but in Grendel, he is almost childlike which makes us feel pity towards him. When he was being attacked by humans, he bellowed for his mother (27) just like how a child would call out for his mom when the kid is being picked on. In Beowulf he is portrayed as an evil monster that was fearless and his mind set on killing but in Grendel he admits being afraid of them (79). Grendel being narrated in first person adds a personal touch to the novel. Because the main character narrates the novel, raw emotion is described. Who is better to describe how he feels than Grendel. Throughout the novel, I get to know what exactly what Grendel is feeling and what is going through his mind. For example during his first raid, he felt an unearthly joy (79).Because he describes this as a first person, it feels personal and the emotions see, strong but this would be lost if it was narrated in third person. Being narrated in first person amplifies the emotions. For example after attacking, he decided, meaningless to kill her (110). We know what is going through his head, this amplifies any emotion we have towards Grendel. We would feel differently towards Grendel if it was said through someone else. One thing that is lost through first person point of view is the truth. The facts are clouded because we have a limited perspective. We only see one side of the story, in this case Grendels side on how the events happened. Grendel narrates the story in past tense so his feelings are clouded with how he feels at the moment. For example I have eaten several priests. They sit on the stomach like duck eggs (129).He might have felt differently when he had actually eaten them but reflecting on it, he feels they were like duck eggs. Themes One of the predominate themes in Grendel is the need for community. Throughout the novel, Grendel is in search of community. Grendel desperately tries to fit in a community, but he will always be an outsider. Grendel tries to join the human community when he went to the hall and cried out friend! Friend! (52). He wanted to be part of the human community but he wasnt accepted. The way people reacted towards him was they tried to kill him. He would observe human behavior. Season after season he would watch from the high cliff wall (37) and observe humans and how they fought. Why would he observe humans if he didnt want to be part of their community. He is definitely intrigued by them. At times Grendel would feel alone and ugly (17).Grendel relates being alone to ugliness so he needs companionship to feel good about himself. I feel that Grendel has a need for community is because he doesnt want to be alone. He has no one to talk to. His own mother cant communicate with him. He is in se arch of a companion. He is jealous of the shaper because he has people to talk to (53).Even though he wants companionship with humans he knows he will never fit in. Grendel sees many benefits and flaws with humans. I think Gardner is addressing the benefits and drawbacks of human community through Grendel. One of the benefits he sees with community is teamwork. He called humans Crafty-witted killers that worked in teams (31) He admires their team work. Another benefit he sees of community is how they would listen to each other at meadhall tables (32).The problems that he sees with community is how much they waste. When he came to the hall he say cows in their pens lay burbling blood through their nostrils, with javelin holes in their neck. None had been eaten (33) .Another problem he had seen with communities was war. He observed how the wars began (34)He saw all the destruction of wars. Another predominate theme in Grendel is art. The shaper plays a huge part in this theme. Grendel is so enticed by the shaper that he wanted to part of his stories. He was so enticed that the sharper made him believe that he was part of the dark side (51).He was addicted to shapers story and kept coming back for more. The Shapers songs implant in Grendel a sense of despair and longing for emotional contact. He at first attempts to repent and embrace the ideology of the humans in exchange of acceptance, but when he is rejected he instead decides to fall in to the role which the Shaper had assigned him. His idea of the Shaper changes after his encounter with the dragon. He realizes that the shaper is just like everyone else and that it was all an illusion (62).The way they change the world through the arts in craft is by changing is history. History is told by the victor. Shaper tells people what they want to hear. In the epic Grendel is a character of pure evil with no good intention in his heart that is if he has a heart. Gardner, on the other hand uses a different approach in Grendel. In Grendel, Gardner shows some sign of goodness in him. On act of goodness is when he decides not to kill Unferth. Unferth passes out and Grendel decides to pick him up gently and carried him home (90).He feels pity towards him and decides not to kill him. Another act of goodness is when he decides not to kill. Grendel cannot see himself past the monster that he is. Every time he does something bad he feels guilty, but every time he does something good he feels like a sissy and a bad monster. Grendel is a monster because he accepts his role as a monster. When new people show up he is mad with joy (151) because he now has new people to terrorize. If he didnt accept his role as a monster why would be in his twelfth year. Grendel has different idea of good and evil. To him humans are evil because they would constantly fight each other. He would watch the fighting going on all that summer and begin again the next (36).He sees how fighting leads to destruction. Setting Grendels cave has a both a symbolic and a literal meaning. In his mothers cave large old shapes with smoldering eyes sat watching me. A continuous grumble came out of their mouths; their backs were humped. Then little by little it dawned on me that the eyes that seemed to bore into my body were in fact gazing through (16).When he awakens Grendel describes the cave as dark (23). The caves symbolize darkness and the evil within it. They are associated with each other because darkness can evoke fear and that is what both the caves and monsters do. The cave in this novel can be used in both literal and symbolic ways because a monster, Grendel, lives inside of it. The cave also represents the fact that they are not always evil because Grendel is not portrayed as a completely evil creature. The most interesting thing about Hart to Grendel is the people. He learns about what happens to them when they become angry or when they decide to work together. He is impressed by their organization. Grendel is impressed by how Hrothgar shown them the strength of his organization (37).It is a symbol of how complex the human race can be. What Hart means to them is home. They all gather their and share their lives. It symbolizes their strength to live through all of the things that happen to them. Hart is a place where they can socialize because it was a place where where they would listen to each other.(32) It also symbolizes unity because they can accomplish many things when they work together.   I dont think that Grendel fully understands the physical conditions of the human world because, while he wants to be a part of them, he doesnt know what its like to be part of a community, and just getting information through observation isnt enough when its about culture and tradition. The most striking thing that Grendel finds about the way humans live is their ability to make patterns and create faà §ades over the real world to make it appear the way they want it to. Grendel feels that the physical world is not really there. He feels that Grendel is the only living thing that is truly there and living. He feels like he is the only one that matters at all. Everything else is  just space for him to move around in because he create[s] the whole universe, blink by blink (22).He feels that the world is just one big machine with no thoughts of its own. Only he, Grendel, is truly alive and intelligent.